
Portway Junior School

'Creating life-long learners'

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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium is additional funding which is allocated to support children who:

  • qualify for free school meals
  • are looked after by the Local Authority
  • have parents employed by the armed force


What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium was introduced to support children who may be vulnerable to underachievement. It is a funding allocated to schools for the specific purpose of boosting the attainment of pupils from low-income families. The amount received is dependant on the number of children who are know to be eligible for free school meals. Funding is based on children who have register for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years, children that are in care or adopted and children whose parent/s are currently serving in the armed forces.


How can it be used?

Pupil Premium allocations can be used in a variety of ways that can enhance the learning and experienced of the identified children. Pupil Premium funding can be used for, (but is not limited to):

  • Extra small group or 1:1 intervention work in or outside of class
  • Employing extra teaching assistants to work in or across classes
  • Running catch-up sessions before or after school
  • Providing tuition for able children who receive Pupil Premium to support their journey to Greater Depth learning in preparation for SATs
  • Funding resources required in school
  • Funding trips or visits
  • Paying for additional support from outside agencies
  • Investing in resources to enhance learning such as iPads, tablets or laptops


How do we monitor effective provision in place through Pupil Premium funding?

  • Target groups assessed regularly
  • Pupil voice, parental feedback alongside of staff feedback
  • Progress data analysis and shared
  • Monitoring of intervention impact on learning
  • Termly reports to Governing Body


How do I know if my child is entitled to Pupil premium funding?

Please contact school if you think your child may be entitled to support through Pupil Premium. All enquires will be dealt with in the strictest confidence and following GDPR regulations. For more details on the Pupil Premium please read the following guidance from the DfE and follow this link for advice and to apply - Derby City Council.

School Money