'We are not makers of history. We are made by History.' Martin Luther King JR
History is learning about the past and how it helps us to understand the present and inform the future. At Portway Junior School, we aim to inspire children’s curiosity and develop their critical thinking to know more about the past in Britain and the wider world.
The children will learn to think and act like Historians to investigate what has happened and why using evidence and sources. They will have a clear understanding of the reliability of sources and use these to be critical learners. Our History curriculum, equips pupils to develop their historical skills and the opportunity to discover, explore, investigate, question, analyse and evaluate to gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. By the time the children leave Portway Junior School, they will have developed a secure chronological understanding of British, local and world history using timelines and be able to make comparisons and connections between the different time periods and their own lives.